Our Spiritual leader

The Most Venerable Pa-Auk Tawya Sayadaw Bhaddanta Āciṇṇa

The Most Venerable Pa-Auk Tawya Sayadaw Bhaddanta Āciṇṇa, also commonly referred to as “Pa-Auk Sayadaw” (“the Sayadaw”), is the Abbot and Principal Teacher of Pa-Auk Tawya Forest Monastery (Pa-Auk Tawya Meditation Centre), Mawlamyine, Mon State, Myanmar. “Sayadaw” is a Burmese honourable title meaning “respected teacher.”

The Sayadaw was born in 1934, in Leigh-Chaung Village, Hinthada Township, in the delta region about one hundred miles northwest of the capital, Yangon. In 1944, at age ten, he ordained as a novice monk (sāmaera) at a monastery in his village. During the next decade, he pursued the life of a typical scholar-novice, studying the Pali Texts (including Vinaya, Suttas and Abhidhamma) under various teachers. He passed the three Pali language examinations while still a novice.

Invited Teachers

Venerable Dhammapati

Venerable Kumarābhivaṃsa

Venerable Tiloka

Venerable Kovida

Venerable Paññādhikālaṅkāra

Our Teachings

The Noble Eight Fold Path Leading to The Cessation of Suffering, Nibbāna


The system of meditation taught at Pa-Auk Tawya is based on the instructions by The Buddha as found in the Tipiaka (the Pāli Canon) and its commentaries. The system comprises the threefold training of strict observance of precepts (sīla), developing concentration(samādhi), as a basis for attaining wisdom (paññā). This is further subdivided into the seven stages of purification which provide a step-by-step formula for systematically purifying one’s body (physical actions), speech and mind of defilements in order to realize Nibbāna in this lifetime.


  • Mindfulness-of-Breathing (ānāpānassati) – to develop absorption concentration (the four jhānas)
  • Most of the forty Samatha subjects taught by The Buddha – including loving-kindness (mettā) meditation, the thirty-two parts of the body, the ten kasinas and the four immaterial jhānas
  • Four-Elements Meditation – to analyze ultimate materiality and ultimate mentality
  • Dependent Origination – to discern past, present and future lives by analysing their causes and conditions
  • Vipassanā Meditation – to discern the five aggregates (materiality and mentality) as impermanent, subject to suffering and without a self

Meditation, Retreats, eLearning, Online