Support the Dhamma Propagation & Accumulate Wholesome

We appreciate all your support in our mission to promote the cultivation in the Buddha’s Teachings for the benefits of all beings.

We deeply value the Buddha’s Teachings which we have received freely from our teachers. In turn, we do not charge any fee for the teachings we offer to all. This is an original system where both monastics and laity mutually support each other, contributing what they can to support the learning and practice of the Buddha’s Teachings.

By supporting the community, you are nurturing the seeds of selflessness, loving kindness and generosity, which in turn becomes the supporting condition for your own progress on the path to enlightenment. Find out more about Donation Category:

Donation Category 布施项目

1. General Fund 一般费用

The General Fund supports and maintains the various needs and expenses of the Hermitage. It is used to cover operating costs, such as daily expenses, maintenance of facilities, utilities, and other essential services. It also supports the community activities, programs, and initiatives that benefit the community. Please click here to view the General Fund Dāna Calender

2. Daily Meal Dāna Fund 一日钵食供养

The Daily Meal Dāna Fund helps Dhamma friends make offerings of food to the community. It supports the sustenance of the hermitage in providing food for the monastic community and ensuring that the residents have nourishing meals daily. These donations help cover the costs of purchasing ingredients, preparing meals, and maintaining the kitchen facilities. By contributing to the Food Fund, you directly support the well-being and spiritual practice of the community. To join in providing food for the community, you can:

  • Bring food offerings when you visit
  • Volunteer to shop and deliver. Contact kappiya for info.
  • Make an offering to the Daily Meal Dāna Fund. Please click here to view the Meal Dāna Calender

3. Retreat Meal Dāna and Retreat Expenses 禅修营餐食和一般费用

Retreat Meal Dāna and Retreat Expenses donations support the needs of yogis participating in retreats at the Hermitage. These donations are used to provide meals for retreatants, ensuring they have nourishing food during their spiritual practice. Retreat expenses donations help cover various costs associated with organizing and hosting retreats, such as accommodations, materials, and other logistical expenses. By contributing to the Retreat Fund, you directly support the practice of retreat participants and help make their stay at the Hermitage more comfortable and conducive for their cultivation. Please click here to view the Retreat Meal and General Fund Dāna Calender

4. Dhamma Propagation 弘法费用

Dhamma propagation Fund is dedicated to spreading the teachings of Dhamma. These donations are used for various purposes related to Dhamma propagation, such as organizing Dhamma talks, workshops, retreats, and public events. They can also be used to support the publication of Dhamma literature, maintaining websites or online learning platforms for sharing resources, Zoom subscription, and reaching out to communities for educational programs. By contributing to Dhamma propagation donations, you help support the Hermitage’s mission of sharing the Buddha’s Teachings with others, spreading peace, compassion, and wisdom to benefit the larger community.

5. Repair and Maintenance, Renovation Fund 维修及保养,修费用

The Repair and Maintenance, Renovation Fund donations can be used for various purposes to preserve and improve the Hermitage’s infrastructure and surroundings, including restoring and maintaining the building, landscaping and gardens, infrastructure and facilities improvements etc. By contributing to Repair and Maintenance, Renovation Fund, you help to support a safe, comfortable, and functional environment for the residents and community which is conducive for their cultivation.

6. Land, Building and Construction Fund 土地、建筑和建设基金

The Land, Building and Construction Fund are essential for the development and expansion of the Hermitage. Donations made to the Fund will be safekept here until it is time to develop. These donations will be utilized for acquiring land, for constructing or renovating buildings and essential infrastructure. By contributing to land, building, and construction donations, you directly support in providing a conducive environment for spiritual practice, study, and many Dhamma activities. These donations help create a long lasting foundation for future generations of practitioners to be able to cultivate in the Buddha’s Teachings.