Pa Auk Tawya Vipassana Dhura Hermitage, Singapore

Welcome to the Pa Auk Dhamma-Vinaya eLearning courses!

Dhamma-Vinaya eLearning courses focus on promoting the cultivation in Pariyatti (study), Patipatti (practice) and Pativedha (realization) of the Buddha’s Teachings as found in the Theravāda Tipitaka and its Commentaries, for the final liberation of sufferings.

The courses focus mainly on the study of Vinaya, Suttanta, Abhidhamma, Pali, Myanmar Language, Samatha-Vipassanā meditation and Dhammānuloma.

The courses will be taught by the Venerable Teachers in English, Burmese, Chinese, and may be translated to other languages by interpreters. These self-paced, self-study online learning courses are pre-recorded classes and the students can study based on their own schedule.

The courses are delivered via Moodle, an open-source learning management system. Each class session offers study materials including video or audio recording of the teaching, lesson notes, textbook, and some recommended readings. Students may be required to do some quizzes, tutorials, homework assignments, and even exams at the end of the course in order to strengthen the students’ understanding of the subject.

Those who wish to learn the Theravāda Buddhist canonical texts and Samatha-Vipassanā meditation from the Venerable teachers, Dhamma-Vinaya eLearning courses are now open for enrolment. Browse our course selections and get started!

Buddhasāsana cira tiṭṭhatu!

Sādhu! Sādhu! Sādhu!