Join the teachings at PA Centre or via Zoom online

To attend any in-person or online events, follow the registration information on the specific event page.

2023 Upcoming Retreat & Events 近期禅修营与活动

  • 5th Bodhi Dhamma School (2nd Term, English) | Dhamma Class Teachers – PA Centre
    – Every month first & third Sunday | Singapore Time 10-11am |  6/8, 20/8, 3/9, 17/9, 1/10, 15/10 (Total 6 lessons)
    Children 5 – 12 years old
  • 菩提佛学班:第五届二学期 (英文) | 佛学班老师帕奥止观中心
    每个月第二和四个周日 | 新加坡时间 早上10-11am | 6/8, 20/8, 3/9, 17/9, 1/10, 15/10 (共六课)
    儿童 5-12
  • 2023 Vassa: 2-Day Meditation Retreat for Beginners by Sayalay Santi – PA Centre
    – Every Fri & Sat starting from August – October | Singapore time 9am-5pm
  • 2023雨安居: 二日入门禅修营 | 寂静尼师 Sayalay Santi – 帕奥止观中心
    8月开始至10 每个周五&周六 | 新加坡时间 早上9am-下午5pm

Regular Dhamma Talks/Courses Online 例常线上佛法讲座/课程

  • Visuddhimagga, Patisambhidamagga & Commentaries by Ven. Kovida – Zoom
    – Every Saturday, March 11 to October 28, 2023 | Singapore Time 8-10pm
  • 清净道论、无碍解道及义注 | 果维达尊者 Ven. Kovida – Zoom会议
    每个周六, 2023311日至1028 | 新加坡时间 晚上8-10pm
  • Abhidhamma English Exam Level 3 by Ven. Paññādhikālakāra – Zoom
    – Every first & third Sunday, February 6 to October 15, 2023 | Singapore Time 8.30-10pm
  • Mahāparinibbāna Sutta by Ven Kumarābhivasa – Zoom
    – Every second and fourth Sunday | Singapore Time 9.30-11am
  • 大般涅槃经 | 库玛拉阿毗旺萨尊者 Ven Kumarābhivasa – Zoom会议
    – 每个月第二和四个周日 | 新加坡时间 早上9.30-11am
  • 5th Bodhi Dhamma School (2nd Term) Dhamma Class Teachers – PA Centre
    – Every month first & third Sunday, August 6 to October 15 | Singapore Time 10-11am
  • 菩提佛学班:第五届 二学期 | 佛学班老师帕奥止观中心
    – 每个月第二和四个周日,86日至1015 | 新加坡时间 早上10-11am

Regular Group Meditation 例常共修

  • Meditation for Beginners – Guided meditation, Q&A (Friday) by Ven. Tiloka – Zoom
    – Every second and fourth Friday | Singapore Time 8-10pm
  • 禅修入门禅修引导、问与答 (周五) | 三世间尊者 Ven. Tiloka – Zoom会议
    – 每个月第二和四个周五 | 新加坡时间 晚上8-10pm
  • Morning Online Meditation – Guided meditation (Tuesday) by Ven. Tiloka – Zoom
    – Every second and fourth Tuesday | Singapore Time 5-6am
  • 早晨线上禅修禅修引导 (周二) | 三世间尊者 Ven. Tiloka – Zoom会议
    – 每个月第二和四个周二 | 新加坡时间 早上5-6am
  • 1-Day Group Meditation (Friday, Saturday) by Sayalay Santi – PA Centre
    – Singapore Time 9am-5pm
  • 一日共修  (周五、周六) | 寂静尼师 Sayalay Santi – 帕奥止观中心
    新加坡时间 早上9am-下午5pm

Regular Meditation Interview Online 例常线上禅修报告

  • Theravada Meditation Group (Friday) by Ven. Kumarabhivamsa – on Zoom
    – Every month first & third Friday | Singapore Time 8.30-10.30pm
  • 上座部共修 (周五) | 库玛拉阿毗旺萨尊者 Ven. Kumarabhivamsa – Zoom会议
    每个月第一 和三个周五 | 新加坡时间 晚上 8.30-10.30pm
  • Samatha-Vipassana Meditation (Sunday, Burmese) by Ven. Dhammapati – on Zoom
    – Every month second and fourth Sunday | Singapore Time 7.30-10.30pm
  • 上座部共修 (周五) | 寂静尼师 Sayalay Santi – Zoom会议
    – 每个月第一和三个周五 | 新加坡时间 傍晚6-8pm
  • 止观禅修 (周一) | 寂静尼师 Sayalay Santi – Zoom会议
    – 每个月第二和四个周一 | 新加坡时间 晚上7-9.30pm

Check back for more upcoming 2023 events!