A Brief Biography of Pa-Auk Tawya Sayadaw Bhaddanta Āciṇṇa

  • 1934 – The Venerable Pa Auk Tawya Sayadaw was born on 24th June about 8.00a.m on Sunday in Leigh-chaung Village, Hinthada township. He is the fourth son of U Phyu and Daw Saw Tin.
  • 1944 – On 2nd May, he was ordained as a novice under the preceptorship of Sa-lin Kyaung Venerable Sayadaw U Soa at Salin Monastery in Leigh-chaung Village.
  • From May 1950 to May 1952 – He studied the Buddhist Scriptures (Pariyatti) in Ye-kyee Taik-thit Kyaung from Sayadaws: Venerable Ashin Mahinda, Venerable Ashin Puṇḍavasa and Venerable Ashin Paññāvanta. He passed the Pathama Nge (Pāli Primary) Examination in 1951 and the Pathama Latt (Pāli Intermediate) Examination in 1952.
  • 1952 – He studied Pāli verse composition, rhetorical composition, higher Yamaka and Rūpa – Siddhi for three months from Venerable Sayadaw Ashin Uttama of Aung Mingalā Theik-dhi Kyaung in Kyi-myin-taing, Yangon.
  • 1952 – He moved to Masoyein Kyaung- taik in Mandalay in the month of Thadinkyut (around October). He then studied Patthana from Sayadaw U Sūriya and U Sumana, the higher Yamaka from Vinaya Sayadaw and rhetorical composition from Pāi Sayadaw.
  • 1953 – He passed the Pathama Kyi (Higher Pāli) Examination.
  • 1954 – On 10th May, he received his higher ordination in the Kaṇḍa Sīma of Ye-kyee Taikthit Kyaung, Hinthada Township under the preceptorship of the Most Venerable Magala Sayadaw, Ashin Paññā, the sect president of Ye-kyee. The patron-donor then for the Venerable Ashin Āciṇṇa was U San Chein, Daw Aye Tin and family of Hinthada Township.
  • 1954 – The Venerable Ashin Āciṇṇa moved to Myin-wun Kyaung – taik in Mandalay. He studied Bhedacintā, Aṭṭhasālinī Commentary, Sīlakkhandha Vagga Commentary, Samanta-pāsādikā Commentary etc. from various Sayadaws who are Venerables Padamya Sayadaw U Ukkasa from Myin Wun Taik Kyaung; Amarapūra Sayadaw U Ukkasa, Sayadaw U Ariya, Sayadaw U Kumāra (now known as Bamaw Sayadaw) and Sayadaw U Paññājota from Phayagyi Kyaung-taik; Sayadaw U Sūriya and Sayadaw U Puññānanda from Taung-htee-lin Kyaung-taik.
  • 1956 – While staying in Phayagyi Kyaung-taik in Ukka, the Venerable Ashin Āciṇṇa sat for an examination and passed with the title Sāsanādhajasīripavara-dhammācariya.
  • 1964 – The Venerable Ashin Āciṇṇa began to practice meditation in Mahasi Sāsana Yeiktha Meditation Centre under the guidance of the Most Venerable Mahasi Sayadaw and Venerable Sayadaw U Paṇḍita (now known as the Venerable Shwe Taung Gon Sayadaw).
  • 1964 – The Venerable Ashin Āciṇṇa began to practice forest dwelling during his 10th vassa. He also learnt meditation from the Venerable Ka-thit-waing Sayadaw for 10 days.
  • 1966 – He learnt meditation from the Venerable Than-lyin Sayadaw who taught four elements meditation for 6½ months.
  • 1967 – He also learnt meditation from the Most Venerable Shwe-thein-daw Tawya Sayadaw who taught mindfulness of breathing for 3½ months.
  • Since 1964 – Practising forest dwelling, he stayed for: one Vassa in Taung-waing-gyi Tawya near Nemindara Hill, Thathon; three Vassas in Citta-sukha Tawya Kyaung in Mudone Township; and 13 Vassas in Ah-sin Tawya Kyaung, Ye Township. Now he has been staying in Pa Auk Tawya since 1981.
  • While staying in those places, he studied the Buddhist Scriptures and practiced meditation as much as he can. Teaching meditation to local and foreign meditators as much as he can, he tries to promote and propagate Pariyatti (study), Paipatti (practice) and Paivedha (realization) of the Buddha’s teachings.
  • 1996 – The Most Venerable Pa Auk Tawya Sayadaw was bestowed the title ‘Mahā Kammaṭṭhānācariya’ by the government.
  • 1999 – The Most Venerable Pa Auk Tawya Sayadaw was bestowed the title ‘Agga Mahā Kammaṭṭhānācariya’ by the government.