Dhamma Talks by Venerable Aggañña

佛法开示 (中译)— 尚智尊者

2022 Overview & Recommendation on Purification of Mind - Venerable Aggañña 心清净的总观与推荐 - 尚智尊者

01 220611 Overview & Recommendation on Purification of Mind 心清净的总观与推荐 - Venerable Aggañña 尚智尊者 | Los Angeles, USA

02 220612 Overview & Recommendation on Purification of Mind 心清净的总观与推荐 - Venerable Aggañña 尚智尊者 | Los Angeles, USA

03 220702 Overview & Recommendation on Purification of Mind 心清净的总观与推荐 - Venerable Aggañña 尚智尊者 | Los Angeles, USA

04 220703 Overview & Recommendation on Purification of Mind 心清净的总观与推荐 - Venerable Aggañña 尚智尊者 | Los Angeles, USA

05 220704 Overview & Recommendation on Purification of Mind 心清净的总观与推荐 - Venerable Aggañña 尚智尊者 | Los Angeles, USA

Other Dhamma Talks 其它佛法开示