Join As Volunteer

The community volunteers work diligently to promote the learning of Dhamma and fostering fellowship so that people can enjoy the peace and happiness coming together. We uphold the Buddha’s Teachings in our work so we can inspire and motivate each other to walk on this path.

We continuously organize Dhamma teachings and activities for various groups, and we invite you to join us as the strong supporting forces behind the success of our community.

If you are keen in contributing and supporting the community, find out more about the Ways you can volunteer, and we warmly welcome you to Join As Volunteer.

Ways you can volunteer

Are you interested to contribute in one or more of the following areas?

  • Accounting 会计
  • AV support 影音支持
  • Co-host – Online talk 主持线上开示
  • Digital design 数据设计
  • Editorial 编辑
  • Event Organizing 组织活动
  • Gardening 园艺
  • General Chores 其它杂务
  • Graphic design 平面设计
  • Office Admin 办公室管理
  • Photography & videography 摄影与摄像
  • Power-Point Slide Creator 演示文稿制作员
  • Proofreading 校对
  • Repair & Maintenance 维修与保养
  • Retreat Volunteer 禅修营法工
  • Teaching – Children Dhamma School 教学儿童佛法班
  • Transcription of Talk 听写开示
  • Translation – languages proficiency 翻译语言能力
  • Transportation & Logistic 运输与物流
  • Video/Audio Editing 视频/音频剪辑
  • Website maintenance 网页维护
  • Others 其它

If you wish to join us as volunteer in any possible ways, please fill in the Google Form and we will get back to you as soon as we can!

Sādhu! Sādhu! Sādhu!